Baby Rabbit Growth Time Lapse Photos: Birth – 8 weeks

Here are the weekly photos of Champagne D’ Argent x Palomino kits from birth to 8 weeks of age, including weights from 3 weeks on.

2 days old

2 days old

1 week old

1 week old

2 weeks old

2 weeks old

3 weeks old 1-1.5 lbs

3 weeks old
1-1.5 lbs

4 weeks old 1.5-1.75 lbs

4 weeks old
1.5-1.75 lbs

5 weeks old 2.5 lbs

5 weeks old
2.5 lbs

6 weeks old 3 lbs

6 weeks old
3 lbs

7 weeks old 3.75 lbs

7 weeks old
3.75 lbs


8 weeks old 4 lbs

8 weeks old
4 lbs

After looking at their weights and growth rate I was surprised. I would have expected them to grow at a more steady rate. I haven’t done weekly weigh-ins in a few years, we just weigh at 9 weeks to determine timing for butcher. There is nothing wrong with it being so un-steady, especially since they easily reached butcher weight in time, but it is strange to me. So I am planning to do weekly weigh-ins on the next litter to see if they gain at such an un-steady rate.

Baby Rabbit Update – Week 8

It’s hard to believe, but the baby rabbits are already 8 weeks old!  This will be my last baby rabbit update post as there isn’t as much change and growth in the next couple weeks.

These are champagne x palomino crosses and they are weighing in at 4 lbs this week.  Their coats are a very pretty silver-ish brown (as if that’s a word), they have much more silver coloring to their brown than our crosses usually do.


Baby Rabbit Update – Week 7

The Champagne x Palomino babies are doing great in the growing out cage now.  They have settled into being on the lower level.  They now weigh in at 3.75 lbs.

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We are expecting our Red New Zealand x Palomino cross babies to be born today or tomorrow.  Hopefully Little Miss Fuzz Tail took this time.

Baby Rabbit Update – Week 6

Let the weaning begin!  We wean our rabbits at 6 weeks of age so these little guys are ready.  You can read more about how we do this here.

The first two have been moved to the growing out cage.  They are bit skittish, since it is on the bottom row and they are used to being on the top row, but they will settle in.

They are continuing to grow and weigh-in at 3 lbs now.  I’ve also noticed that this litter is lighten-ing more than others and taking on more grey in their brown coats than usual.  You can see that in the pictures, especially on the side view.

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