Welcome to Willow Creek Farm

Welcome to Willow Creek Farm! We are located in the High Plains of Colorado, northeast of Denver. We have been homesteading for almost 20 years now to raise food for our family. Our homestead has grown a lot over the years and we now breed, raise, and sell East Friesian milk sheep, registered Bluefaced Leicester sheep, registered Nubian goats, and heritage Bourbon Red turkeys.

We aim to selectively breed for certain traits in each of our hoofstock, breeding high-quality breed-specific stock that excel at production, whether it is milk, fleece, or both. We keep a close eye on conformation, being sure not to lose good conformation as we focus on dairy or fleece qualities. We like to do things as naturally as possible and therefore breed for good birthing and mothering qualities in all of our animals. We like to leave babies with their mothers as long as possible, depending on the situation, and milk share until weaning, encouraging good mothering qualities. We are a smaller farm and handle our animals regularly, so another quality we breed for and train in is friendliness and ease of handling. Many people are surprised when they come to the farm. The sheep and goats come right to us for affection and enjoy interacting with humans.

Have fun looking around our site, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at willowcreekfarm12@gmail.com.