Garden Update

The garden work is going full steam now as we close in on our last average frost date.

The tomatoes and cabbage survived the 3-foot snow storm inside their protective tents and WOWs.


The bushes that were smooshed down by the snow – and the rhubarb – have bounced back upright no problem.

The new onion and garlic patch is looking good.  We built a new retaining wall for it and filled it with good soil and compost earlier this year, hoping to improve the growth in there.

We are hardening off the last of the seedlings,

and starting to plant them into the garden.

The grapevine has leaf buds and little flower clusters on it, and the strawberries have flowers now too.

And we harvested our first basil from the seedlings inside.  Smells and tastes delicious!  We used it to make our favorite snack – tomato, basil, and mozzarella bites.  The basil was from our plants and the mozzarella cheese was made from our goat’s milk.  Later this summer we will be able to use the tomatoes from our garden too!

Thing are definitely starting to green up!  It takes a little while up here in the mountains, but once it gets going it is so beautiful!  It is so nice to be out working in the garden again.  Homesteading is so fun, it is hard to pick what I like best, but I do think gardening is my favorite part of the homestead.


4 thoughts on “Garden Update

  1. D > We can get basil to grow in the greenhouses – along with the tomatoes (a promising combination). Recently I’ve started using the basil, and garlic chives (also from our garden) to make home-made pesto, for use in pasta dishes or with some salads. Mmmm! The pine-nuts come from overseas (China, I think), but aparently they are easily substituted with sunflower seeds (which we can produce here, though we haven’t tried yet). Have you tried making your own pesto? If so, what are your ingredients?


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