Vaccination and De-Worming Time

We vaccinate and worm our goats and sheep about 1 month before they are due to give birth.  This was recommended by our vet and the breeder we bought our stock from because it gives the mama and the baby immunity.

It is hard to believe, but we are less than a month from the first goat due-date.  So Heidi and Gretchen got their CD&T shots last week.

In addition we usually de-worm them, but this year we decided to try another route.  We learned that it is a better idea to test them for worms each year than to just automatically de-worm them because the de-wormers can be hard on their systems when used year-after-year for no reason.  So we did the fun job of following the sheep and goats around, making sure we got fecal samples from several different animals.

The tests came back completely clear, so no one needs worming this year.  Glad we checked instead of just giving them the de-wormer.

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